The Difference Between a Post or Comment

The Difference Between a Post or Comment

Regular members of the SUNY Oneonta site’s profile can contribute to the site in a few ways. The main contribution is by creating a post (much like writing a blog/article for the site) or by commenting on an existing post (much like leaving a reply to a post or to someone else’s comment on the site).

Some key differences between posts and comments

Can have media, like images, PDFs, and videos.Cannot have media, but can include links to media on the web.
Must be written by a logged-in member of the site profile/author on the site (most of the time, course, project, or community profile members are also authors on the corresponding site).Generally do not need to be written by a site author. However, some OpenLab sites are set to require commenters to be logged in to the OpenLab.
Can have a selected category, which allows the site admin to organize where posts show on the site.Have no categories.
Have privacy settings: They can be public, private, or password-protectedHave no privacy settings (but, can be made on password-protected posts).
Have formatting options, like boldface or italics.Have no formatting options.
Is composed in the dashboard of a WordPress site.Is written directly on the site itself.